Pretty Package Versions 1.3.0

Thanks to the work of the Composer maintainers, ocramius/package-versions has been forked to backport support back to PHP 7.0, while maintaining Composer 2 compatiblity. This new version leverages this fork.

Paraunit 1.1.0: PHPUnit 9.1 and internal refactor

As reported in the previous release, I was working on supporting PHPUnit 9. Today, PHPUnit 9.1 was released, and so I’ve released Paraunit 1.1.0, which supports only PHPUnit 9.1 and forward: this is due to the fact that the --printer option got deprecated, so I have to switch approach to have a working solution for the foreseeable future. In this case, I switched to using TestHook, and opted for a small refactor of how Paraunit fetches PHPUnit test results.

Paraunit 1.0.0: the stable release

Today I decided to release facile-it/paraunit 1.0.0! In reality the package was pretty stable and widely used at for a long time, but right now I wanted to step forward and declare it officially stable.

The main reason behind this is that I’m currently working on PHPUnit 9 support, and this will force me to release a new minor that will drop support for previous PHPUnit version altogether. This decision was in reality forced onto me due to the fact that PHUnit 9 drops support for the --printer CLI option and the relative extension point, which Paraunit was using as a way to extract test results.