Code reviews - How-to, do & dont's IT meeting (internal) (Milano)
Slides available IT meeting (internal) (Milano)
Slides available
Talk presented at
SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019 (Amsterdam)
Slides available
Watch the video of this talk for free on SymfonyCasts.
“Event Sourcing”, along with “CQRS”, have recently become trending terms, and now there is so much theory, blog posts and talks about them.
Talk presented at
Codemotion Milan 2019 (Milan)
Slides available
This is a replica of the talk that I did the week before at SFDay 2019, where there’s video recording available.
Talk presented at
SFDay 2019 (Verona)
Slides available
See talk comments on
Docker has been a part of our development environments for long as of now. But its usage in production had not followed the same adoption curve, and it’s instead rising only in the last years, mainly due to Kubernetes.
Talk presented at
PUG MI (Milano)
Slides available
This is a replica of the talk that I did two months before at CloudConf 2019, followed by a live coding demonstration