Software Testing

How to gradually upgrade toward PHPUnit 6 with namespaced classes

In the latest months I wrote multiple times, in different projects, code migrating PHPUnit toward major version 6. This upgrade is harder than the previous one, since in this version it was introduced a big breaking change: all classes got (finally!) namespaced.

This means that any usage of those classes in your project needs to be updated. It may seem a simple find & replace job, but since you need to introduce at least one use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase line at the top of each one of your test classes, it’s a boring and a little more than trivial task; also, upgrading it in a single big jump may not be feasible or prudent, especially in the case of open source or distributed libraries, where backward compatibility and support for old PHP versions must be ensured.

Why type hints and interfaces are not visual debt

A few days ago I stumbled on a strange tweet that was highlighting a controversy about scalar type hints.

Scalar type hints & return types vs no scalar type hints & return types is #PHP's new spaces vs tabs

— Cees-Jan 🔊 Kiewiet (@WyriHaximus)

After asking references about this, someone alluded to this very short video: “PHP Bits: Visual Debt” (it’s only 3 minutes, please watch it before continue reading). After that, the author of the video was dragged into the conversation, and it blew up into a big tweetstorm in the following few hours.

Paraunit: test paralleli, Doctrine e le fixture

Questo articolo è la sintesi di un talk presentato al SymfonyDay 2015; potete trovare le slide qui.

I test e la loro durata

Sviluppare applicazioni scrivendo test e facendo Test Driven Development è un’ottima pratica, e dà parecchie soddisfazioni. Con l’andare del tempo, si fa crescere la suite di test del proprio progetto, cercando di aumentarne la copertura e l’efficacia e si scrivono nuovi test corrispondenti alle nuove funzionalità che vengono man mano sviluppate.