Paraunit 0.8.1: fixed regression with Symfony
Paraunit 0.8.1 has been released to fix a small regression that happens when running functional tests in a Symfony project.
Paraunit 0.8.1 has been released to fix a small regression that happens when running functional tests in a Symfony project.
Paraunit 0.8 has been released! With this release I added the continuous integration: at each Git tag, the Travis build prepares, signs and uploads to the GitHub releases page Paraunit’s PHAR. Thanks to Andreas Heigl that made this not only possible, but very straightforward to implement.
Paraunit 0.7.4 has just been released. This patch version add a simple but very useful functionality, the string filtering of tests.
Paraunit 0.7.3 has just been released, and from now on with a PHAR version too, GPG signed! You will always be able to download it from the latest GitHub release page.
Paraunit 0.7.1 has just been released; this is just a minor release that adds a new useful feature: the text format for the coverage. You can either use it on screen as an integration tool (see Jenkins, GitLab), or save it as a file. Since there is a small limitation in CLI options handling by the Symfony component, this feature is implemented through two separate options.