Pretty Package Versions 2.1.1
This small patch that includes handling of specific unstable tags (like RC, beta, etc.) and some minor housekeeping dev stuff, like bumping PHPStan to 2.0 and starting using Rector.
This small patch that includes handling of specific unstable tags (like RC, beta, etc.) and some minor housekeeping dev stuff, like bumping PHPStan to 2.0 and starting using Rector.
This new release includes the resolution of a long-standing issue, which polluted Paraunit’s output when too many deprecations were detected. In this new version, Paraunit respects PHPUnit’s configuration, which by default does not show the full deprecation text.
Deprecations are detected anyway, so you will still get yellow D
s and the list of affected tests when appropriate.
This new release includes the official support to PHPUnit 12, which did not need any code changes, just some CI fixes and the common Composer constraint widening. The biggest amount of work came just from upgrading (and pulling the forks) from the Prophecy toolchain, to make the CI work without waiting for their releases.
This small minor is just a refresh which bumps a couple of requirements to reduce the CI and maintenance footprint, alongside testing the package against the coming PHP 8.4.
This small new patch just adds support for PHP 8.4, with the resolution of one single deprecation.