Paraunit 2.6.0: hide deprecations by configuration

This is a republished tag announcement for facile-it/paraunit. You can find the release here.

This new release includes the resolution of a long-standing issue, which polluted Paraunit’s output when too many deprecations were detected. In this new version, Paraunit respects PHPUnit’s configuration, which by default does not show the full deprecation text.

Deprecations are detected anyway, so you will still get yellow Ds and the list of affected tests when appropriate.

This is the full changelog


  • Deprecations details are now shown according to the PHPUnit config #303, thanks @garak

NB: the config attribute in the PhpUnit configuration is displayDetailsOnTestsThatTriggerDeprecations. Since this value is false by default, in this version the deprecations will be hidden. If you want to replicate the previous behavior, set the attribute to true in your configuration.