API contracts: Leveraging OpenAPI during API development

Talk presented at SFDay @ (Online)
Language: it Slides available
See talk comments on Joind.in.

Scrivere API è il pane quotidiano di noi sviluppatori web: ormai sono il tassello fondamentale che non manca mai, da colonna portante dei frontend a meccanismo di comunicazione indispensabile tra applicazioni differenti.

Ma come possiamo semplificare lo sviluppo di una API e comunicare con l’esterno come questa API funziona?

MongoDB Messenger Transport 1.2.0

This other new minor, released on the same day of the previous one, was needed to release support for PHP 8, since it also required to drop support for PHP 7.2 at the same time. Having two separate releases allows end users to have a smoother upgrade path, and me the possibility to release patches in both minors if needed.

MongoDB Messenger Transport 1.1.0

This new, first minor of this package handles two issues coming from the upstream, Symfony Messenger package. In both cases the originating cause was the addition of the new ErrorDetailsStamp, which will be the future way to store failure information in messages.