Pretty Package Versions 1.0.2
Another small issue solved with a small patch, and PHP 7.2 support comes along!
Another small issue solved with a small patch, and PHP 7.2 support comes along!
Same day of the first release, a small patch follows!
Paraunit 0.9.1 has been released with a really small improvement: I wnated to show a pretty, short version string in the header, when launching Paraunit. I recently started using Ocramius’ package to do it, but it didn’t provide that feature, and he was adamant about not implementing it in the future.
Paraunit 0.9.2 and Paraunit 0.8.3 has been released to fix a nasty little bug that I got reported to me: two dependencies were missing and the CI missed that due to the fact that both were required by dev dependencies.
This is the first release of this package!