Terminable Loop Command 1.0

This is the first release of this package! It’s Shell+PHP combination to run Symfony console commands in loop under a daemon or Kubernetes, instead of using a long running process.

This package contains a shell script and an abstract Symfony Console Command class; you need to write your command extending that class, and launch it through the shell script. Ideally, the script has to be used as a container entry point, and/or launched with a supervisor, like Docker Compose, Kubernetes, supervisord.

Adding Event Sourcing to an existing PHP project (for the right reasons)

Talk presented at SymfonyDay 2018 (Verona)
Language: it Slides available
See talk comments on Joind.in.

“Event Sourcing”, along with “CQRS” (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), have recently become trending terms, and now there is so much theory, blog posts and talks about them.

However, most of these deal with the problem starting from an utopian assumption: having to write a project from scratch (greenfield), but at the same time with a high domain complexity right from the start, enough to justify the use of a complex technique like event sourcing and CQRS, which carry a fair amount of inherent complexity.

Symfony + Docker, dall'ambiente di sviluppo alla produzione

Talk presented at SymfonyDay 2018 (Verona)
Language: it Slides available
See talk comments on Joind.in.

Docker è una tecnologia che ormai ha preso largamente piede negli ambienti di sviluppo di applicazioni web: da anni ormai è una alternativa superiore alle classiche macchine virtuali, molto più avide di risorse hardware.

Il passaggio però all’ambiente di produzione è stato molto meno ““virale”” e si fatica ancora a trovare risorse e consigli su come portare la propria applicazione in produzione usando Docker e i container.