Kubernetes for PHP developers

Talk presented at PHPDay 2020 (Online)
Language: en Slides available
See talk comments on Joind.in.

Docker has slowly won the hearth of many developers as a good, flexible and reliable tool to build local environments for web apps, but containers in production were still a myth for a long time.

Now, with the advent of Kubernetes (k8s), deploying (PHP) applications with containers is the new shiny tool, but the huge amount of new concepts and technologies scares a lot of people away.

MongoDB Messenger Transport 1.0.0

This is the first, stable release of this library that I built on top of facile-it/mongodb-bundle, which allows to use the MongoDB connection provided by the bundle to be used as a Symfony Messenger transport. I build this because I needed the equivalent of the Doctrine transport to store failed messages on a project that didn’t use Doctrine, but our OSS MongoDB bundle.

Pretty Package Versions 1.5.0

This release is intended to change the future release plan of this package. Please require the package with ^1.5 || ^2.0 to ensure full functionalities and future Composer 2 compatibility.