Pretty Package Versions 2.0

This new major release of this package was long awaited by me, since it’s a comeback of the 1.3 release, that was rolled back. Now, after more than 22 million downloads and the stable release of Composer 2, it’s time to use it!

The breaking changes are reduced to a minimum to allow a smoother upgrade path; if you use this package in a library, you’re encouraged to require it with a constraint of ^1.5 || ^2.0, to obtain all the functionalities without constraining your end users to upgrade immediately to Composer 2.

My Symfony functional testing toolbox

Talk presented at SFDay 2020 (Online)
Language: en Slides available
See talk comments on

When testing the PHP side of a Symfony application, tests are normally split into unit and functional: the former do not need anything in addition to some proficiency, due to their small size and isolated execution; the latter instead are more complex, slower and sometimes more brittle, because they use more components, and they involve the framework and the libraries used to build the app.

Paraunit 1.2.0: PHP 8 & PHPUnit 9.3 support

This release contains only support for newer versions of PHP & PHPUnit; due to PHPUnit 9.3 requiring a new major version of phpunit/php-code-coverage, I’m forced to drop support to all PHPUnit versions below 9.3. Usage of Paraunit is unchanged.