Paraunit 2.3.4: fix PHPUnit 11.3 compat

This small patch release is fully due to external contributions: thanks @kubawerlos!

He contributed two different patches, one to update the .gitattributes exclusion list, the second to fix some constraint on some dependencies that where preventing PHPUnit 11.3 from being installed.

Paraunit 2.3.3: fix warning

I got a bug report saying that the Symfony PHPUnit Bridge 6.4.8 and 7.0.8 and higher made test runs with Paraunit fail due to a warning. At first I thought that the Symfony error handler was messing with PHPUnit’s again, but in reality it was just making explicit a warning that was already there for ages.

This simple patch avoids generating that warning, and makes your CI green again!

Symfony Messenger: the sharpest tool in your PHP toolbox

Talk presented at PHPDay 2024 (Verona)
Language: en Slides available
See talk comments on

The PHP ecosystem is very rich and mature, and offers you a lot of stable and widely used tools, frameworks and libraries. Symfony evolved long ago from a monolithic framework into a collection of very useful and reliable components, but one component in particular (in my opinion) really stands out: Symfony Messenger.

In a single package, you have an easy way to dispatch messages and tasks to sync and async handling, with enough abstraction to support a variety of transports natively, and a long list of useful patterns already implemented and ready to be used out of the box.